Winning Anti Smoking Ad

The challenge was to create a anti smoking ad powerful enough to turn people off cigarettes without resorting to the gruesome imagery so prevalent in anti-smoking campaigns. With the help of a couple of dancers, an up-for-anything ad agency and hundreds of yards of Lycra, Los Angeles photographer Ricardo Marenco did just that.

“I wanted to evoke a sea of people trapped inside their addiction,” says Marenco, who created the shot for the California Department of Public Health’s billboard and print campaign. To achieve his desired effect, he photographed the dancers individually inside 7-foot-tall Lycra cigarettes. Then he digitally overlaid embers and smoke from real cigarettes on the figures. The ads ran without any words, only a helpline number — the image said it all.

The Last Cigarette - Anti Smoking Ad

Creative anti smoking ad in the form of cigarette packaging designed by Didac Catalán. The cigarette houses one cigarette and one match inside a small coffin shaped box.


Anti Smoking Posters

A collection of anti smoking posters from around the world.

21 Creative Anti Smoking Ads

A collection of 21 clever and creative anti-smoking ads designed to get people to quit smoking.

Smoking is Poison
This anti smoking ad features a 12 meter long chemical tanker that looks like a cigarette. This campaign was created by Cancer Research UK to highlight the toxic smoke in cigarettes.

Passive Smoking Kills
This advert graphically shows 2 cigarettes in the form of a gun - Every year nearly 3,400 people die in UK from lung cancer caused by passive smoking and

The Smoker’s Lung
The smoker’s glass lung was installed in front of public buildings in Germany to encourage people to quit smoking.

Tobacco Related Deaths
Terrorism-related deaths since 2001: 11,377.
Tobacco-related deaths since 2001: 30,000,000.

World No Tobacco Day
No Tobacco Day is observed around the world every year on May 31.

Smoking Crime Scene
Very clever anti smoking advert.

Second Hand Smoke
Roy Castle (remember him from Record Breakers) lung cancer foundation reminds us that second hand smoke hospitalises 17,000 UK children a year.

Anti-Smoking Stickers
Stickers for were places on cars and around smoking areas.

Smoking Causes Premature Aging

Smoker’s Morning
Toothbrush made from cigarettes and toothpaste make from ash.

Slow Death
Smoking causes slow and painful death. Quit now!

Effect of Smoking on Lungs
Not an ad, but still a thought provoking image by Sancho Hemelsoen.

Cigarette Lipstick - Think it makes you pretty?
Clever advertisement from Moscow.

Anti-Smoking Billboard
Using 15,000 cigarettes butts, glued together one by one in an outdoor panel, the Peruvian League of fight against cancer demonstrated the damage that a person who smokes causes to his family.

Marlboro .44 Magnum

Fight Smoking Punching Bag
Exercise is a great way to control the urge to smoke. Go on knock that cigarette out.

Weapons of Mass Destruction
The text is written with systematic arrangement of cigarettes.

Cigarettes are killers that travel in packs

Get Unhooked!
Average smoker needs over 5,000 cigarettes a year...

Life expectancy of a smoker
This smoking advert drills home the message that smoking lowers life expectancy.

Tar on the Lungs
This advert graphically shows the amount of tar that amounts on smokers lungs over the course of 2 years.

Anti-Smoking Ad from Australia

Hard hitting anti-smoking advert from Australia.

Passive Smoking Kills

Passive smoking is a silent killer as this anti smoking advert illustrates perfectly.

Stop Smoking before it clogs up

Pretty disgusting anti smoking advert illustrating the health effect of smoking causing arteries to clog up. Nice!

Smoking Causes Impotence

This Anti Smoking Advert targets men and warning them of smoking causes impotence, also known as erectile dysfunction - the inability to achieve or sustain an erection for sexual activity to take place. Not good!

It's Gay to Smoke - Anti Smoking Ad

This new anti smoking ad warns teenagers con controversially that 'it's gay to smoke'

Funny Anti Smoking Advert

A funny UK anti smoking advert with a great spin on the fact that 'smoking can seriously damage your health'

Anti Smoking Sloguns

Anti smoking slogans tackle every aspect of smoking and its effects in very few words. The most prominent ones are those which delve into the health concerns of people around the world. A perfect example of a health related anti smoking slogan is “Save your lungs, save your life”. Indeed, the message here is clear. It says that the cause of various physical diseases can be traced down to smoking cigarettes. Other examples are “Breathe healthily, live happily” and “If you can’t stop smoking, cancer will.”

These slogans have been used by various of anti smoking organizations in their campaign posters, banners and even televised public service plugs.

"Save your lungs, save your life"

"Smoking doesn't only hurt you"

“If you can’t stop smoking, cancer will”

“Too much smoke will leave you broke”

"I forgot that cigarettes cause cancer. Trash the ash"

"If you smoke you will choke"

"Be smart don't start"

"There are cooler ways to die"

"Breathe healthily, live happily"

"If you can’t stop smoking, cancer will"

Get Your Lungs Back - Stop Smoking!

Warning, this anti smoking advert is pretty gross and is titled 'Get Your Lungs Back - Stop Smoking'! You will see why when you watch this video!

Stinky Smoking Video....Not Cool!

Anti smoking advert with a message....smoking is not cool anymore. Also who wants to marry a guy or girl that will be in respirator when they turn 60.

Confession of the Tobacco Companies

The tobacco low will they go to make a profit.

US Second Hand Smoking Ad

53,000 people die each year in the US from second hand smoke. You don't want to be in the same car with either of these people!

This Could be Your Kid! Anti Smoking Ad

This Could be Your Kid! Hard hitting anti smoking ad for any parent out there.

"Im Not Scared" NHS Anti Smoking Adverts

The British National Health Service “I’m not scared” anti-smoking television campaign, launched at Halloween in October 2008, is now being shown after 7.30 pm only after complaints about frightened children. TV and radio advertisements, designed to show children’s fear of their parents dying of smoking-related illness, have led to complaints to the Advertising Standards Authority. The TV commercial opens on a darkened child’s bedroom. A young girl declares that she is not afraid of the dark. “I’m not scared of spiders”, she says, before going on to declare her lack of fear of clowns or bullies (Becky Taylor). The ad ends with a group of young mums who are chatting together and smoking; the girl says “I’m scared of my mum smoking”. One of the mums turns and smiles at the camera and the girl says “I’m scared that my mum will die”. Text on the screen declares that over 2,000 people die every week in the UK from smoking related diseases.

"I'm Not Scared" Anti Smoking Posters


View the anti smoking video

Anti Smoking Commercial aimed at teenages

Here is an anti smoking commercial targeting teenagers.

Anti-smoking Ad: Smoking Causes Emphysema, Lung Cancer

This 3D medical video is part of an anti-smoking campaign ad showing how smoking causes normal alveolar sacs to become enlarged and thinned over time from emphysema. Because the alveoli cannot contract, air is trapped in the lungs and the smoker cannot breathe out effectively.

Graphic Anti Smoking Advert Video

Here is a graphic and pretty disgusting anti smoking advertisement. Every cigarette gives your body damage, it's proven. Don't smoke!

Anti-Smoking Ad - All of humanity is counting on you

This extreme anti-smoking ad starts off like any health public service announcement warning of the dangers of smoking. But the video really takes its shock value premise to its cold, logical (some would even say robotic) extreme.

Smoking Timeline

A timeline image showing what happens if you stop smoking today!

(Click image to enlarge picture)

Star Wars Anti-Smoking Video Ad

Remember this Star Wars Anti-Smoking video Ad? Don't let CP30 or R2 down!

Anti Smoking Ads and Posters

A collection of creative anti-smoking ads and posters from around the world.

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