Vintage Smoking Ads

A collection of vintage smoking ads through the ages when smoking was seen as cool and not a heath risk.




buy cigarettes said...

This is an interesting post. I must agree that the media of cigarette advertising has definitely changed, though the concepts pretty much stay the same.

andieclark said...

I don't know what's with these vintage smoking ads but they still appeal to me. They're classy and I think even if they're to advertise electronic cigarettes, still they'd be able to produce a timeless ad. They would certainly portray it in a classic manner.

Kris Jansen said...

If I am not so against smoking, I'd say kudos to these advertisements. But please, let's hope for a better health and quit. Not only you're doing yourself a favor, you're also doing it for your loved ones. We have this quit smoking Sydney campaign and we are grateful for the support we are getting. I hope we can influence more people to join us.

Johnny Rogers said...

It is amazing the ads they use to have to promote smoking. I have been using hypnotherapy to quit and must say I haven't had a smoke in over 2 months. If you are around Sydney Australia you must check out this guy. He has done wonders for me Quit Smoking Sydney

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