"Im Not Scared" NHS Anti Smoking Adverts

The British National Health Service “I’m not scared” anti-smoking television campaign, launched at Halloween in October 2008, is now being shown after 7.30 pm only after complaints about frightened children. TV and radio advertisements, designed to show children’s fear of their parents dying of smoking-related illness, have led to complaints to the Advertising Standards Authority. The TV commercial opens on a darkened child’s bedroom. A young girl declares that she is not afraid of the dark. “I’m not scared of spiders”, she says, before going on to declare her lack of fear of clowns or bullies (Becky Taylor). The ad ends with a group of young mums who are chatting together and smoking; the girl says “I’m scared of my mum smoking”. One of the mums turns and smiles at the camera and the girl says “I’m scared that my mum will die”. Text on the screen declares that over 2,000 people die every week in the UK from smoking related diseases.

"I'm Not Scared" Anti Smoking Posters


View the anti smoking video

Anti Smoking Commercial aimed at teenages

Here is an anti smoking commercial targeting teenagers.

Anti-smoking Ad: Smoking Causes Emphysema, Lung Cancer

This 3D medical video is part of an anti-smoking campaign ad showing how smoking causes normal alveolar sacs to become enlarged and thinned over time from emphysema. Because the alveoli cannot contract, air is trapped in the lungs and the smoker cannot breathe out effectively.

Graphic Anti Smoking Advert Video

Here is a graphic and pretty disgusting anti smoking advertisement. Every cigarette gives your body damage, it's proven. Don't smoke!

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