As anti-smoking adverts go, this advertisement on a huge billboard is very effective causing maximum publicity and a strong message for those who smoke or thinking about starting to smoke cigarettes.
30 Powerful Anti-Smoking Adverts
Showcasing 30 memorable anti-smoking adverts over the years that have inspired people like myself to quit smoking for good. This hard hitting anti-smoking advertising has been shown to work best when it comes to showing people that smoking is really no good at all.
Smoking Suicide
It’s called suicide because it’s your choice. Give up smoking today!
Smoking Damages Your Lungs
We all know that smoking cigarettes can lead to lung damage but this anti-smoking ad shows message graphically
Smoking Grave
Stop smoking before it is too late!
Get Unhooked
The average smoker needs over five thousand cigarettes a year.
Smoker’s Teeth
Smokers teeth are typically discoloured and this advert exaggerates on this fact!
Secondhand Smoke Kills
We all know this too but still you see people smoking indoors with children. Your cigarette is not only smoked by you. Think about your family! There are more examples of this type of shock advertising below.
Smokers Never Win!
Simple message in this clever simple advert
Cigarettes have killed more people than you know who…
Controversial but true.....what more can you say!
A smoker’s deathbed
Clever advertising using a hospital bed as a cigarette
Smoking Time Bomb
Another simple message - every smoke inhaled takes you to an early grave. Quit Smoking!
Smoking causes cancer
It's warnings are plasstered on all packs of cigarettes but yes, smoking causes cancer!
Smoking Kills
About 106,000 people in the UK die each year due to smoking
Smoking is Murder
Picking up on second hand smoke again with this shock advert. Smoking isn’t just suicide. It’s murder.
Secondhand tobacco smoke causes many of the same diseases as direct smoking.
Smoking Is Poison
12 meter long chemical tanker that looks like a cigarette was created by Cancer Research UK to highlight the toxic smoke in cigarettes.
Passive Smoking Kills
Every year nearly 3,400 people die in UK from lung cancer caused by passive smoking
The Smoker’s Lung
The smoker’s glass lung was installed in front of public buildings in Germany to encourage people to quit smoking.
Tobacco Related Deaths
Thought provoking advertisement here and controversial.
Terrorism-related deaths since 2001: 11,377
Tobacco-related deaths since 2001: 30,000,000
World No Tobacco Day
To promote no smoking day across the world, this simple anti-smoking advert delivers the message clearly
Smoking Crime Scene
Another clever advert using smoking as a murder scene
Smoker’s Morning
Toothbrush made from cigarettes and toothpaste make from ash...nice!
Slow Death
A cigarette as a bullet is simple yet effective advertising.
Smoking causes slow and painful death. Quit now!
Effect of Smoking on Lungs
Not an advert but still a thought provoking image by Sancho Hemelsoen.
Cigarette Lipstick
Think it makes you pretty? Clever advertisement from Moscow.
Anti-Smoking Billboard
Using 15,000 cigarettes butts, glued together one by one in an outdoor panel, the Peruvian League of fight against cancer demonstrated the damage that a person who smokes causes to his family.
Marlboro .44 Magnum
Brilliant imagery that shoots the message home
Fight Smoking - Punch Bag
Exercise is a great way to control the urge to smoke. Go on knock that cigarette out!
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Obvious, simple and very effective anti-smoking advert.
Smoking Kills
For this man is was too late
Smoking is highly addictive
Gruesome imagery illustrating people trapped inside their smoking addiction
Women who smoke feed more than milk to their children
As simple and effective as it gets for this message
Anti Smoking Ads
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A collection of creative anti-smoking ads and posters from around the world.
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A collection of vintage smoking ads through the ages when smoking was seen as cool and not a heath risk. ...
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